Experience the Wealth of Fabulous Writing
Reward Publishing
2017 Poetry Competition!
Theme: Travel Poetry
Have you been someplace amazing? Did you see the morning fog nestle into the Indian Ocean? Did you find the love of your life on the ancient, winding roads of Malta? Submit your travel poem. What did you hear, see, taste, experience? =Write about the land, the people, the journey through Topographical, Confessional, and Narrative poetry forms!
Submission Guidelines:
We only accept online submissions. Please send unpublished poems to rewardpublishing@hotmail.com. Make sure to paste the poem in the body of the email as well as send a word document. Please include your contact information and a short biographical statement along with any publications you have received.
You can submit three poems maximum. If we are interested we will ask for more poems. Poems must NOT be published elsewhere and Reward Publishing will hold first rights.
Every poet in the anthology will receive three complimentary books.
Free to submit at this time! Offer ends February 1, 2017.